Ramsar Convention is an only intergovernmental treaty which gives a solid framework to the nations for the conservation and use of wetlands and their resources and helps to protect such unique ecosystems.
It is also known as the “Convention on Wetlands”. It was adopted in the Iranian city of Ramsar on 2nd February 1971 and came into force on 21 December 1975.
So, 2nd February is celebrated as “World Wetlands Day” every year.
Currently, 169 countries are a party to this convention. There are 2289 wetland sites, covering an area around 225399512 hectors, designated under this convention.
The secretariat of Ramsar convention is located in Gland, Switzerland.
The mission of the Convention
The mission is “the conservation and wise use of all wetlands through local and international actions and international cooperation, as a contribution towards achieving sustainable development throughout the world”.
Contracting parties vow for international cooperation to protect wetlands in the following three ways known as “three pillars for co-operation”.
Make judicial use of all their wetlands
Designate suitable wetlands for the list of “Wetlands of International Importance” (Ramsar List) and ensure effective management of the wetlands.
International cooperation on transboundary wetlands shared wetland systems etc.
Wetlands are one of the most productive ecosystems in the world and essential for human survival.
It is a place where the land is covered by salty or freshwater. Swamps, Marshes, ponds, the edge of lake or ocean, river mouths and deltas etc. are the examples of the Wetlands.
Wetlands are home to various species of mammals, birds, fishes and invertebrates. They support the cultivation of crops like rice, and also provide ecological services benefiting the human race like water filtration, storm protection, flood control etc.
Designation and Management of Ramsar Sites
When a country agrees to join the convention, it has to designate at least one wetland site as a wetland of international importance.
The information on acceding country’s first Ramsar site is sent to UNESCO with other documents. UNESCO acts as a convention’s repository.
Management of their Ramsar sites lies primarily with the contracting parties to maintain their ecological character and retain their essential functions and values for sustainable development.
For transboundary sites management, the authorities on all sides of the border of a particular site should agree to collaborate and notify their intention to the convention secretariat at Gland.
Bodies of the Convention
Government agencies of the contracting parties i.e. nations are known as the country’s ‘Administrative authority’. They appoint a National Focal Point to coordinate the national implementation of Ramsar projects and act as the daily focal point.
Every three years, Parties meet at Conference of Parties (CoP), to administer convention.
Most recent CoP 12 was held in Punta del Este, Uruguay in 2015. CoP 13 will take place in Dubai, UAE in 2018.
Between CoPs, the parties are represented by the Standing Committee which meets annually.
“Scientific and Technical Review Panel (STRP)” and “Communication, Education, Participation, and Awareness (CEPA)” are two technical advisory bodies of the convention.
There are five International Organisational Partners (IOPs) to provide the necessary support to parties.
Birdlife International
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
International Water Management Institute (IWMI)
Wetlands International
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)
Benefits of Joining Ramasar Convention:
Facilitates development at the national level of policies and actions for the wise use of wetlands.
Presents an opportunity for a country to be heard in the principal forum on conservation and wise use of wetlands.
Brings increased publicity and prestige for wetlands.
Encourages international cooperation on wetlands and brings access to expert advice on national and site-related problems of wetland, conservation and management.
Provides access to financial aid through the Convention’s Small Grant Fund.
Brings access to information and advice on the application of the Conventions’ internationally-accepted standards, such as guidelines on the application of the wise use concept and management planning in wetlands.
To recommend sites for inclusion in the “List of Wetlands of International Importance”.
To ensure wise use of wetlands.
To establish reserves and promote training in wetland research, management and wardening.